Spanish vegetable recipes - Guisantes a la Valenciana (Valencian Peas)
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Spanish vegetable recipes - Guisantes a la Valenciana (Valencian Peas)

Spanish food recipes - Guisantes a la Valenciana (Valencian Peas)

You will need1 kg fresh peas, shelled
1 onion chopped
2 cloves garlic
100ml white wine
1 tablespoon anise brandy
bay leay, thyme and parsley
1/4 teaspoon cumin

In a saucepan add some oil and add the onion, 1 whole clove garlic and the peas. Fry briefly then add the wine, anise and the herbs. Cover and simmer until the peas are almost tender. In a mortar crush the remaining garlic with the cumin and saffron. Add this to the peas and continue simmering until the peas are tender. Serve

Spanish vegetable recipes:

Alcachofas a la Cordobesa (Cordoba style artichokes)
Esparragos a la Andaluza (Andalucian asparagus)
Berenjena a la Morisca (Moorish aubergines)
Judias Verdes con Chorizo (Green beans with chorizo)
Habas con Jamon (Broad beans and serrano ham)
Puré de Habas (Broad bean puree)
Lombarda a la Castellana (Castillian red cabbage)
Zanahorias con vino de Málaga (Carrots in Malaga wine)
Coliflor al Ajaceite (Cauliflower with garlic sauce)
Guisantes a la Valenciana (Valencian style peas)
Parrillada de Patatas (Grilled potatoes)
Ajoharina de Jaén (Potatoes in garlic sauce)
Pisto (Summer vegetables)

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Ajo Blanco (White Garlic Soup)
Spanish recipes Ajo Blanco (White Garlic Soup)
Spanish food recipes  Ajo Blanco (White Garlic Soup)
Spanish food - Ajo Blanco (White Garlic Soup)